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ClubFinder - League

This section of the website has been created to facilitare all player in Italy to find a Club where they can play!

You can either search for Clubs by their league standard (Serie A, Serie B, T20 & Other)

The Italian Serie A Championship is played in all Italy on 50 Overs and is the highest Cricket competition in Italy. Premiership Cricket.

The Serie B Championship is played on Regional Level with Finals between the winning teams of the gruops. Played on 40 overs

Not all Championship team participate in the T20 tournament, there are also new Clubs!

All the Club who have a youth set up, and have at heart the future of Italian Cricket!

All the Club who may be affiliated with the Italian Cricket Federation but don't take part in the competitions.


All the Club who participate at the various cricket tournaments in Italy


All the teams who play Cricket with a softball, a tennis ball covered with tape hence TAPEBALL Cricket

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